NORTHERN ONTARIO - The Red Lake mining district, home to some of the world's highest-grade gold mines, continues to be the darling of gold explorationists. WOLFDEN RESOURCES and SABINA RESOURCES, both headquartered in Thunder Bay, Ont., are touting adjacent projects in recent press releases.
At the Follansbee property, a joint venture of Sabina and Wolfden, high grade intercepts have been drilled within a plunging shoot formed by a number of crosscutting structures identified along the South Contact zone. Hole SWF-05-24 assayed 71.72 g/t Au over 2.26 m. Other holes assayed 52.67 g/t Au over 3.10 m, 39.31 g/t Au over 0.3 m, 15.35 g/t Au over 0.33 m, and 9.95 g/t Au over 1.5 m. Sabina reports that the structure is open at depth and has the potential for more high-grade mineralization.
Next door at the Bonanza property, 100% owner Wolfden has intersected parallel horizons displaying both vertical and horizontal continuity. The company is seeking a near-surface deposit that could be mined by open pit. It is encouraged by results such as 2.43 g/t Au across 33.65 m in a sulphide zone and 2.51 g/t Au over 86.0 m in the silicified zone. The best assay to date was 14.37 g/t Au over 1.0 m from hole 05WB-09.
A map of the Red Lake Mine Trend indicating the location of the Follansbee and Bonanza properties relative to historic and current gold mines is posted at