BRITISH COLUMBIA — Vancouver-based Bralorne Gold Mines continues to test the recently discovered BK vein, excavating an eastern and western raise. Assays from the Eastern BK raise tested 2.78 to 60.7 g/t Au over with an average grade of 20.7 g/t over true width of 0.58 metres. That works out to 11.9 g/t Au over a nominal mining width of 1.2 metres.
The vein at the top of the raise is well developed and the last two sample traverses assayed 60.7 g/t over 0.6 meters and 45.7 g/t over 0.8 meters, Bralorne reported. The company is encouraged because previous results from underground drilling indicated low grades in this vicinity.
The BK zone is located between former gold producers Bralorne and King. The BP Gap (between the old Bralorne and Pioneer mines) is being developed to mine resources on the 51BFW and Taylor veins. Details are available at