GOLD EXPLORATION: Bonanza grade reported from Rainy River

ONTARIO - For a sheer, eye-popping bonanza gold grade, readers should try to imagine 1,335.0 g/t Au (and 76.7 g/t Ag). That was the grade over 1.5 metres from hole NR11719 only 42 metres below surface at the Rainy River property in northwest...






ONTARIO - For a sheer, eye-popping bonanza gold grade, readers should try to imagine 1,335.0 g/t Au (and 76.7 g/t Ag). That was the grade over 1.5 metres from hole NR11719 only 42 metres below surface at the Rainy River property in northwest Ontario. The property is owned by Rainy River Resources of Toronto.

Other shallow holes returned 4.4 g/t Au and 1.2 g/t Ag over 10.5 metres and 3.9 g/t Au and 9.8 g/t Ag over 22.5 metres. The company plans to continue drilling to expand this mineralization to the south and towards the main resource pit.

Rainy River has six rigs at the site conducting its infill drilling program. Wide intersections of continuous gold mineralization are reported: 1.2 g/t Au and 1.8 g/t Ag over 93.0 metres, 1.8 g/t Au over 39 metres, 1.0 g/t Au over 11.0 metres, and 16.5 g/t Au and 16.9 g/t Ag over 1.5 metres.

The 43-101 technical report prepared for the Rainy River project in April 2011 is posted at


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