ONTARIO – Explor Resources of Rouyn-Noranda, QC, has updated the resources at its Timmins Porcupine West gold property 15 km from downtown Timmins. Company head executive Chris Dupont said that as drilling continues, widths remain significant and the continuity has been established.
Both open pit and underground resources were detailed. The pit has 4.9 million indicated tonnes at 1.55 g/t Au (213,000 oz) and 1.1 million inferred tonnes at 2.09 g/t (77,000 oz). Minable from underground, the deposit contains 4.4 million indicated tonnes at 2.79 g/t Au (396,000 oz) and 5.2 million inferred tonnes at 2.36 g/t (393,000 oz).
Explor was quick to point out that the June 30, 2013, estimate is 104% higher in indicated ounces and 190% higher in inferred ounces than the estimate made at year end 2012.
The sensitivity of the resource estimates to cut-off grades is detailed in the news release of Aug. 27 posted at ExplorResources.com.