NORTHWEST QUEBEC - Vancouver-based AURIZON MINES LTD. has completed an internal updated feasibility study for its 100%-owned Casa Berardi gold project, taking into account the high-grade lower portion of Zone 113, below the 700-metre level. The objective of the updated feasibility is to increase the reserve base, optimize the mine plan, lower unit costs and increase the annual gold production. Aurizon has engaged ROSCOE POSTLE ASSOCIATES INC. to validate the updated feasibility study and produce an independent technical report by the end of the third quarter 2005.
At the West Mine shaft location, new hoist, electrical and compressor rooms are complete, as is the mechanical installation of the production hoist. The erection of the headframe, along with the construction of ore and waste bins, are well advanced and are expected to be completed in September. Mill modification and refurbishing are planned to start in August. Construction is on schedule and on budget.
DUMAS CONTRACTING has been contracted to do the shaft-sinking and underground development. Detailed engineering of the shaft construction is progressing on schedule. Shaft-slashing and -sinking is expected to commence in early September and take 12 months to complete. Underground development is also progressing, with the objective of having three months of production in inventory for start-up by late 2006.
Diamond drilling continues to explore a new vein system, west of the West Mine, and in the area of Zone 140 on the 50-square-mile property. Casa Berardi is accessible by road, has mining permits in place, excellent surface and underground infrastructure and is on the Hydro Quebec power grid.
Visit to see pictures of the Casa Berardi project.