GOLD DEVELOPMENT: AuRico updates progress at Young-Davidson

ONTARIO – AuRico Gold of Toronto released its monthly update for the development of its Young-Davidson gold mine and mill near Matachewan with the news that wet commissioning of the mill has begun. The first gold pour target is only a few...
Schematic of the Young-Davidson mill.

ONTARIO – AuRico Gold of Toronto released its monthly update for the development of its Young-Davidson gold mine and mill near Matachewan with the news that wet commissioning of the mill has begun. The first gold pour target is only a few weeks away.

The company reported that open pit mining rates during February averaged 21,300 t/d of ore and waste; that number will ramp up to 35,000 t/d by the end of Q2 2012. The pit ore stockpile held 380,000 tonnes, or 5% of reserves, at the beginning of March.

Underground development continues to focus on ramp and shaft access to the ore and waste handling systems. Work has reached the crusher level 815 metres below the surface.

Earlier this month the company announced increases to its reserves and resources at the project. Proven and probable reserves increased by 36%, or 1.01 million oz, to 3.83 million oz of contained gold. Measured and indicated resources increased by 74%, or 407,000 oz, to 956,000 oz of contained gold. Inferred resources increased by 103%, or 727,000 oz, to 1.43 million oz of gold.

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