YUKON – Under the Yukon Mining Incentives Program (YMIP) two exploration projects belonging to Northern Tiger Resources of Edmonton have been approved for funding. The territory will 50% of the money for the planned $70,000 programs at each of the Korat and Del properties.
The Korat property is in the White Gold District. The claims host an 800-metre long gold-in-soil anomaly with a larger 1,600-metre pathfinder anomaly. It straddles the same regional magnetic high feature as other discoveries in the area. Northern Tiger plans a program of in-fill soil sampling, mapping and prospecting, followed by trenching of promising targets.
The Del prospect is part of the company's Minto-style project, located about 30 km southeast of Capstone's Minto copper-gold mine. Previous work at Del outlined a 400x300-metre area of anomalous copper-in-soils that remains open to the west and south. Northern Tiger is planning additional soil sampling and IP surveying to identify promising drill targets.
Please visit Northern-Tiger.com for more information on these and the company's other projects in the Yukon.