Resource Capital Gold Corp. (RCG) of Vancouver is taking a 15,000-toonne underground bulk sample at its Dufferin gold project. So far 5,330 tonnes of material grading 6.4 g/t gold have been mined, and test milling recovered 1,282.6 oz. of gold.
[caption id="attachment_1003720030" align="alignright" width="201"]
The adit of the Dufferin gold mine in Nova Scotia. (Credit: Resource Capital Gold Corp.)[/caption]
The Dufferin property contains at least 14 east-west trending “saddle reef” quartz veins. These stacked structures have a 3.2-km strike and are open at depth. RCG has taken its sample from saddles 1, 2 and 4. Additional development in saddle 4 and lower development of saddle 5 is being done, as is the development of saddle 6.
RCG says all the necessary infrastructure is in place to resume full scale mining, including a 300-t/d gravity and flotation plant. The current resource is 58,000 oz. of gold in 151,000 indicated tonnes at 11.9 g/t gold and 150,000 oz. in 703,900 inferred tonnes at 6.6 g/t gold.
Readers may want to go through RCG’s May 2017 corporate presentation at