BRITISH COLUMBIA - The old Bralorne-Pioneer mine property near Pemberton still has bonanza grades for owner Bralorne Gold Mines of Vancouver. Surface diamond drilling returned a 0.6-metre intersection grading 140.49 g/t Au (4.096 opt) from the BK zone. Further results from the summer's drilling indicate a new zone that is potentially three times bigger than the BK zone, currently being mined.
The new zone extends at least 170 meters above the 800 level, is 38 to 130 meters in strike length, and is open to the west and upwards. The upper portion of the zone has an average grade of 14.3 g/t Au at a minimum mining width of 1.2 meters, whereas the lower potion averages 5.7 g/t. Overall, the vein averages 17.6 g/t over 0.7 meters. The zone could be accessed from the BK decline that was started in 2009, said Bralorne.
Trial mining of the BK vein continued through October with shrinkage stoping above the 800 level. A total of 10 lifts of 1.8 meter height have been blasted to date. Assay results for the stope as of Oct. 31 averaged 25.9 g/t Au over 0.5 meters for the vein, with individual assay results ranging up to 5,906.8 g/t Au (173.3 opt) over a width of 0.4 meters. Over the full mining width the average grade was 7.1 g/t over 1.5 meters.
Work at the North vein indicates an average grade of 47.3 g/t Au over an average width of 0.2 meters for the vein, or 3.8 g/t gold over 1.6 meters for the development width. Individual assays range up to 277.3 g/t gold over a vein width of 0.5 meters. Slot development for trial mining by modified room and pillar method is underway. So far, a total of 2,900 tons grading 13.3 g/t Au has been extracted the North vein and stockpiled at surface.
Bralorne has postponed startup of the mill to accommodate an environmental review before the permit is issued.
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