RICHMOND, BRITISH COLUMBIA - RADARSAT INTERNATIONAL and several other companies in the MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. (MDA) family have been rebranded and are now conducting business under the common brand name "MDA". Radarsat belongs to MDA's Geospatial Services business area and is referred to as MDA Geospatial Services International. Acquired by MDA in 1999, Radarsat has over 16 years of experience in providing Earth observation data, products and services to the international geospatial marketplace.
Dr. John Hornsby, general manager of MDA Geospatial Services International, said of the change, "Our focus and dedication continues to be on innovation and growth in the Earth observation industry. And we are now in a stronger position to offer our customers more comprehensive geospatial information products and services by drawing on MDA's extensive systems and services capabilities."
MDA holds the exclusive distribution rights to Canada's Radarsat-1 and -2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites. MDA will operate the Radarsat-2 satellite when launched. Radarsat-2 offers unparalleled imaging flexibility, increased information content with high-resolution, dual polarization and full polarimetric imaging options, and a highly responsive programming and delivery ground segment. More information is available at