TORONTO - Fighting hostile takeover bids, INCO LIMITED and FALCONBRIDGE LIMITED are trying to promote their merger to investors by pointing out $550 million in annual savings that could be had at their mines and plants near Sudbury, Ontario. That is $200 million more than the $350 million mentioned when the deal was originally announced in October 2005.
The two companies invited the investment community on a two-day "Synergy Summit" at their facilities near Sudbury this week. The idea is to gain support for the Inco-Falconbridge deal rather than TECK COMINCO's competing bid for Inco, or XSTRATA's unwelcome bid for the 80% of Falconbridge it does not already own. Which offer shareholders will eventually accept is unclear.
Of the estimated $550 million in synergy value that has been identified so far, approximately $205 million is expected to come from optimizing material feeds and processing facilities, $135 million from maximizing production by accelerating mine development, $100 million from cost and other improvements, and $110 million from savings in general and administrative costs, say Inco and Falconbridge.
Inco's offer for Falconbridge is explained at
Separately, Xstrata says the U.S. Department of Justice has raised no competition issues with Xstrata's bid for Falconbridge. The conclusion of the Inco-Falconbridge deal has been delayed by anti-trust reviews in the U.S. and Europe. To allay fears, Falconbridge announced on June 7 the intention to sell its Norwegian nickel refinery to Toronto-based LIONORE MINING INTERNATIONAL.