EXPLOSIVES: Nordex to expand three projects

KIRKLAND LAKE, Ontario – Nordex Explosives has begun three projects designed to expand the corporation's footprint in the explosives business. These three new projects focused on the custom design and building of specialty bulk trucks;...

KIRKLAND LAKE, Ontario – Nordex Explosives has begun three projects designed to expand the corporation's footprint in the explosives business. These three new projects focused on the custom design and building of specialty bulk trucks; the design and fabrication of equipment and processes to manufacture a new explosives product line for perimeter control and a prototype underground emulsion loader.

Buttbuster perimeter control product

Nordex has a co-operative relationship with Australian based Johnex Explosives, whereby Nordex retains exclusive production rights for the "Buttbuster" proprietary perimeter control product line. Nordex employees were provided with training by consultants from Johnex Explosives for the safe and proper operation of specialized equipment and production optimization required to produce this product. This product greatly increases the safety of underground blasting by reducing back break and greatly reduces waste dilution. Buttbuster is a proven perimeter control product for both surface and underground blasting and is exclusively available in North America through Nordex.

Prototype underground emulsion loader and operating procedures

Nordex has completed training of key employees for the operation and maintenance of the company's unique emulsion loading unit. This unit has distinct and specialized abilities that have increased production efficiency, reduced manpower, decreased the use of package products and lessened the environmental impact. This project will be expanded and offered for use in new underground operations in North America.

Custom built bulk trucks

Nordex completed training which will allow for the independent delivery and loading of emulsion products for industries including mining, quarries and construction. This project also allows for emulsion products to be loaded by trained operators and will result in no product being stored on client work sites.

These projects have been financed through cash flow and funding available under several levels of government including the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, the Fednor AIDE Initiative and the Yves Landry Foundation.

Nordex is a Canadian based manufacturer and distributor of explosives for the mining, quarry and construction industries since 1970. Nordex is the exclusive supplier of the Econotrim and Ezicharge perimeter control explosive products in Canada. Additional information can be found at NordexExplosives.com.


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