EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIERS – Oil Sampling Made Quick, Easy

Oil analysis is an excellent way of cutting equipment maintenance costs through early wear detection. Taking the sa...


Oil analysis is an excellent way of cutting equipment maintenance costs through early wear detection. Taking the samples is now faster and easier than ever before with Checkfluid's KP series pushbutton. It takes an active sample directly from an engine, transmission or hydraulic system up to 750 psi without probes. The high cost of sample retakes is avoided. The barbed spout rotates 360-degrees and can be installed in various places for the optimum sampling point. The main seal is tested for leak-free operation up to 7,800 psi, and the dust cover seal is rated to 750 psi. A safety lockout nut prevents accidental activation. The KP design has no exposed springs and comes in a variety of thread sizes and seals.

To learn about the KP series and Checkfluid's many other Canadian-made products, visit


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