NUNAVUT - ENVIRONMENT CANADA has charged MIRAMAR MINING of Vancouver and four related companies with allegedly spilling 19,000 litres of fuel at Miramar's Hope Bay exploration camp near Windy Lake. The incident occurred in June 2004. Charges relate to the federal fisheries and migratory birds acts and to the territorial waters and surface rights act.
Tony Walsh, Miramar's president, said the spill was promptly cleaned up to the satisfaction of the landowners. No residual adverse effects of the accident have been found. The company has implemented stricter fuel-handling procedures, and no further mishaps have occurred.
A Miramar subsidiary, MIRAMAR HOPE BAY LTD., is the sole operator of the Hope Bay project and Miramar will be taking steps to have the charges that have been laid against companies other than Miramar Hope Bay withdrawn.
Complete information about the Hope Bay project is posted at