ENVIRONMENTAL CONTRACT: Denison picks up work at Faro mine complex

YUKON DENISON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, a division of Toronto-based DENISON MINES, has been awarded the contract fo...
YUKON DENISON ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, a division of Toronto-based DENISON MINES, has been awarded the contract for care-and-maintenance of the Faro mine complex. The contract, worth $7.2 million in each of three years, was awarded by the Yukon government.

Denison will take over its new responsibilities in March 2009. It will collect and treat contaminated water, manage uncontaminated runoff, inspect and maintain dams and diversion channels, monitor water quality, and perform general maintenance and site security. The contract also includes provisions for training and employment of Yukon First Nations and other territorial residents.

Former owners operated several open pits and a concentrator near Faro until 1998. Responsibility for the remediation and permanent closure of the property is shared by the federal and Yukon governments.

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