Mining Association of Canada (MAC) and its members have committed to new actions to further enhance efforts in climate
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Canada’s mining industry is committed to a lower carbon future. (Credit:[/caption]
change based on recommendations from MAC’s independent Community of Interest (COI) advisory panel. In the months following the release of the panel’s statement, MAC worked in consultation with the panel and experts within its membership to determine how to best incorporate the recommendations.
This work has culminated in MAC and its members committing to undertake 13 new actions in the six areas below.
- Towards Sustainable Mining:Review the TSM program to identify further opportunities to incorporate climate change-related action and guidance; and encourage performance improvement in GHG reductions.
- Operations Level:Seek opportunities to expand the use of low emissions technologies; advocate for government investment in mining innovation to expedite progress; conduct climate change risk assessments; and implement appropriate adaptation measures.
- Local and Indigenous Communities:Explore ways to assist communities in increasing access to and managing renewable energy technologies; and support community development of energy efficient, healthy and local sustainable food supplies.
- Supply Chains: Encourage the mining supply chain to develop innovative and low energy technologies; communicate the role of mining products in the transition to a low carbon future; assess opportunities for the industry to work with others to recycle products containing minerals and metals.
- Public Policy Engagement: Share MAC members’ innovative initiatives related to climate change, energy and community development; enhance Canadians’ understanding of the link between minerals, metals and energy products in low carbon solutions; advocate for public policies that lead to an effective price on carbon and stimulate demand for low carbon infrastructure; and work alongside other organizations to achieve common goals.
- Disclosure of Climate Risks and Opportunities: Continue to disclose climate-change related information, including GHG emissions data; and identify ways to further enhance data disclosure.
Click here to read the backgrounders on MAC’s commitment to a lower carbon future.