ENVIRONMENT: $155-Million Clean Growth Program Launched to Address Climate Change

Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada – Building a clean-growth economy starts with sustainable and globally-competitive natural resource sectors that create good, middle-class jobs and […]
Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada - Building a clean-growth economy starts with sustainable and globally-competitive natural resource sectors that create good, middle-class jobs and prosperity for Canadians. Smart investments in clean technology can build on this Canadian advantage, ensure we meet our climate change commitments and create new opportunities and markets for our ingenuity and know-how. The Honourable Jim Carr, Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, today announced a $155-million program that will fund clean technology projects in the areas of energy, mining and forestry, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve environmental outcomes. The new Clean Growth Program is the first of its kind to promote and require collaboration with the provinces and territories. It will focus on five areas:
  • Reducing greenhouse gas and air emissions from natural resource operations;
  • Minimizing landscape disturbances and improving waste management in natural resource operations;
  • The production and use of advanced materials and bioproducts in natural resource operations;
  • Efficient energy use and productivity in natural resource operations; and
  • Reducing water use and impacts on aquatic ecosystems from natural resource operations.
The program will build on the momentum of last month’s cutting-edge Generation Energy forum in Winnipeg, where the public, top experts, industry representatives, traditional and emerging energy sectors, and Indigenous and community leaders from across Canada and around the globe discussed their vision for Canada’s low-carbon energy needed for future generations. It is an example of our Government’s new collaborative approach, which involves leveraging investment in publicly funded research, laboratories and programs to better promote clean technologies. Budget 2017 committed $200 million to encourage clean technology in the natural resource sectors. Natural Resources Canada will deliver $155 million of this funding under the Clean Growth Program. The remaining $45 million will support clean technology research and the development, demonstration and adoption of clean technology through Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Funding is open to natural resources and clean technology firms, federal researchers, Indigenous organizations and groups, and post-secondary institutions. For more information, visit https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/20254.


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