TORONTO - The ONTARIO MINING ASSOCIATION (OMA) has chosen three of its member mines to set the standard for its compressed air leak management project. The Williams gold mine belonging to TECK COMINCO and BARRICK GOLD, the South nickel mine belonging to CVRD INCO, and the McCreedy West nickel mine belonging to FNX MINING will participate in the pilot project.
Compressed air can be responsible for 20% to 40% of energy consumption at an underground mine, says the OMA. These three mines will evaluate electricity use and savings opportunities in compressed air systems. The results of the study will provide best practices and guidelines for energy conservation at other mines in Ontario and anywhere compressed air is a component of production costs.
The OMA is supported by the ONTARIO POWER AUTHORITY's Conservation Bureau, which is providing more than $218,000 as its share of the project. The anticipated completion date of the project, which is being led by the OMA Energy Committee, is April 2007.
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