EDMONTON – Syncrude Canada has endowed a new scholarship for aboriginal business students at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton. Named after the outgoing Edmonton mayor, the Stephen Mandel Aboriginal Business Award will be presented for the first time in 2014.
The annual $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one student enrolled either full- or part-time in any program in the school of business. The student must provide proof of confirmed First Nations, Metis or Inuit heritage and be in good academic standing.
Syncrude has a more-than-40-year record of working to ensure local Aboriginal people achieve success in all areas that affect quality of life including education, employment, leadership and business. Of the company's total workforce, about 9% of employees are of self-declared First Nations, Metis or Inuit descent, making the company one of Canada's largest employers of Aboriginal people.
"On behalf of Syncrude, I would like to personally thank Mayor Mandel for his leadership and all his contributions. His commitment to ensuring the long term success of aboriginal people living in the capital region mirrors Syncrude's long-held vision for aboriginal people in Alberta," said Scott Sullivan, president and CEO.
For further information contact Maggie Grant, community investment co-ordinator by phone at 780-790-6356 or email grant.maggie@syncrude.com.
William Smallwood
1) You can make synthetic Octane gasoline from limestone as surely as Fort McMurray makes regular gasoline from bitumen rock (tar sands)! And NfLb has plenty of Calcium Carbonate (Limestone) A) On the Port au Port peninsula, B) around Buchans, C) just West of St.Anthony, D) on the NorthEastern bourder of Russels ranch! E) There’re plenty of NfLbers working at exploration and production of Fort McMurrays’ reserves thoughout the Northern Prairies! Average Revenue was $165 /cubic metre of limestone! That’s a good margin for starting a new venture in NfLb! Do we have to wait for the Churchill river electricity?
2) How do you make oil from Limestone?!!
a) Chemically react the limestone with Hydro-Chloric acid yielding Methane gas!
b) Electrolyse that Methane gas into Ethane gas!
c) Electrolyse that Ethane gas into Butane gas!
d) Electrolyse that Butane gas into Octane gas!
e) Condence that Octane gas into Octane gasoline! (JET FUEL)
3) This is good for our economy because oil is made of 1) Port au Port Limestone, 2) our Hydro-Chloric acid, 3) Electrolysed with Labradour electricity and/or jet-stream powered Atlantic waves to make D.C. electricity, 4) human capital from our returning migrant from Fort McMurray and 5) my B.A. educated self and working in Houston at exploring for oil, to direct these forces to make synthetic Octane gasoline! I can also convert D.C. electricity into A.C. electricitty!
4) Hydro-Chloric acid is sourced from salt (NaCl) formations immediately below our oil fields! The salt must be electrolysed into Hydro-Chloric acid (-) and Sodium metal (+)! On June 2 its’ Average Revenue was $165/ cubic metre of Limestone!
5) Nfld was once a shallow sea that perciputated Sodium Carbonate (Limestone) It all got covered over, but the Port au Port peninsula is 70% covered in Calcium Carbonate like Fort McMurray once had Bitumen rock (Tar-Sands)! The rich limestone reservoir must extend beneath our surface ready to be exploited by drilling down to the formation and reacting the Calcium Carbonate with Hydro-Chloric acid!
How to make synthetic Octane patroleum (JET FUEL)
1) Find the Limestone (CaCO3) or Potash Rock (KCO3)!
2) Existing reserves, just waiting to be mined, may be found on a) the Port au Port peninsula, just b) west of St.Anthony, c) the Buchans area, d) the North eastern border of the Russels’ ranch!
3) 70% of the Port au Port peninsula is limestone! Limestone also covers b) Buchans`area, c) it is west of St.Anthony and d) the north-eastern border of the Russels`ranch!
4) Surface-mine the carbonate!
5) The carbonate may be explored by drilling for it all over, and under, NfLb!
6) Electrically split the Sodium Chloride salt into Hydro-Chloric acid (-) and Sodium metal (+)!
7) React the Calcium Chloric acid from Hybernia platform salt (NaCl)!
8) When reacting the Carbon bubbles up with the Hydrogen and 3 times as muchh Oxygen! HCl + CaCO3 or KCO3 + energy = KCl, or CaCl, + H + C + O3! Too much Oxygen for Green Peace to permit!
9) I`ll then electrolyse the Carbon to form into Ethane gas, then into Butane gas, then into Octane gas and finally condence into Octane gasoline, JET FUEL!
10) The economic emphasis is put on the price of gasoline by this technique will be lower prices for Octane gasoline and relatively raise the prices for regular and deisel! Inferior gasoline will be cheaper just not as cheap as Octane gasoline! It takes more Carbons therefor limestone and processing cost to make inferior petroleum so I`ll just stick at making Octane gasoline (JET FUEL)!
11) The economic emphasis put on the price of gasoline by this technique will be loer prices for octane gasoline, although they`ll also be cheaper, though less cheap! It takes more limestone to make inferior petroleum, like regular and deisel, so I`ll stick refining synthetic Octane gasoline (JET FUEL) because it is so light, only concisting of 8 Carbons / molecule! Deisel consists of something like 32 Carbons!
12) The lower price of gasoline will be subordinated by being able to chemically convert limestone and potash rock into $ synthetic Octane gasoline! $
13) The economic emphasis will move away from St.Johns’ towards Corner Brook where our conversion of Limestone into synthetic Octane gasoline will be first centered but as time and exploration march on it’ll see every nook and cranny of NfLb!
14) The radiation paths should be shielded with lead walls so the charged radiation paths flow staight ahead extending onwards from 3:00 & 9:00! The radiation when shielded by the lead walls are free to behave normally where the negative attacking molecules are simultaneously attacked by the positive molecules!
15) I’ve already figured out how to chemically convert Calcium Carbonate (Limestone) into synthetic Octane gasoline (JET FUEL) the most economic way!
16) By making JET FUEL from a) Port au Ports’ Limestone, b) Labradours’, or Atlantic wave generated, electricity, c) Hyberia salts’ Hydro-Chloric acid and d) NfLber Suncor experienced drillers and miners, NfLb will get its’ JET FUEL from 100% NfLb resources following my e) directions!
17) I’ve likewise designed how to arrangs the lead walls in the most economic patern!
18) Suncor Energy must be eager to give me patent protection and 60% voting shares in this venture when I prove I can make synthetic Octane gasoline Calcium CARBONate (CaCO3, Limestone) or Potassium CARBONate (KCO3, Potash Rock) or flare gas!
19) The radiation then glides straight ahead and condences into Octane gasoline!
20) 8 cubic metres of limestone produces 1 cubic metre (1,000 litres) of synthetic Octane gasoline, therefor 2.2898 barrels of synthetic Octane gasoline!2.2898/8 = 0.27 barrels of synthetic Octane gasoline is produced from every cubic metre of limestone!
21) 1 cubic metre of Limestone produces 125 Litres of synthetic Octane gasoline!
22) $1.32/Litre x125 Litres/1 cubic metre of Limestone = Average Revenue = $165/ cubic metre of Limestone! A solid new industry to start in NfLb!