VANCOUVER - CANDENTE RESOURCE CORP. is organizing a fundraiser to help the victims of last week's violent earthquake in Peru. A boat cruise around the Vancouver harbour is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2007, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm. The cost of $75 per person includes appetizers, and there will be a cash bar.
Readers who are unsure that help is needed in southern Peru should view the photos at They provide ample evidence that a disaster such as this leaves people impoverished to the point that they might never restore their lives without our help.
Please RSVP to or 604-689-1957.
If you are unable to go cruising on Tuesday and you still want to help, you can obtain a tax receipt by donating to Dveloppement et Paix / Development and Peace - Caritas Canada, 1425 Rene le Vesque West, Montreal, Quebec, H3G 1T7, or to the Catholic Relief Services, 17090 Baltimore, MD, 21203-7090, Please write "Peru Relief Fund" in the cheque's reference.