DIGEST: What happened over the Holidays

While everyone, including the CMJ staff, was enjoying some time away from the desk over the last two weeks, there were a few significant stories you might have missed:

While everyone, including the CMJ staff, was enjoying some time away from the desk over the last two weeks, there were a few significant stories you might have missed:

Seabridge Gold's KSM project received a positive federal environmental assessment decision. British Columbia issued its environmental assessment certificate in July 2014. (SeabridgeGold.com)

The Gahcho Kué joint venture and Deninu Kué First Nation signed an impact benefit agreement. The project, located in the Northwest Territories, is owned by De Beers Canada (51%) and Mountain Province Diamonds. (MountainProvince.com)

Glencore's Sudbury Operations received a TSM Leadership Award from the Mining Association of Canada. (Mining.ca)

The Bloom Lake iron mine in northern Quebec was fined $7.5 million for environmental infractions. The Cliffs Natural Resources (82.5%) mine pled guilty to 45 charges under the Fisheries Act resulting from several incidents including the breach of a tailings dam. (CliffsNaturalResources.com)

The International Cyanide Management Code announced that the Cyanide Code signatory and certification requirements are now available in Chinese, French and Spanish. (CyanideCode.org)  


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