DIAMONDS: North Arrow drills new kimberlites at North Pikoo

SASKATCHEWAN – As North Arrow Minerals of Vancouver wraps up the current drilling program at its Pikoo diamond project near the community […]
SASKATCHEWAN – As North Arrow Minerals of Vancouver wraps up the current drilling program at its Pikoo diamond project near the community of Deschambault Lake, the company reports the discovery of as many as four, discrete new kimberlites. North Arrow says the most significant is kimberlite PK346 in the North Pikoo area, interpreted as a near vertical, northeast trending body located 25 metres north of kimberlite PK314, discovered in 2015, and south of a series of narrow kimberlite dykes discovered in 2013. PK346 remains open to depth and along strike. The Pickoo joint venture agreement calls for North Arrow to 80% of expenditures and Stornoway Diamond Corp. to cover the other 20%. Stornoway has elected not to participate in funding the 2016, $1.69-million drill program. For funding all of this year’s program, North Arrow will see its interest in the joint venture rise to 85%. Visit for more information about the Pikoo project and North Arrow’s other properties.


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