DIAMONDS: Dominion Diamond’s tonnage, recovery up for first six months

TORONTO – DominionDiamond Corp. reports large increases in tonnage treated and carats recovered for the six months ending July 31, 2014. The company owns and operates the Ekati diamond mine and is the 60% owner of the Diavik diamond mine,...

TORONTO – DominionDiamond Corp. reports large increases in tonnage treated and carats recovered for the six months ending July 31, 2014. The company owns and operates the Ekati diamond mine and is the 60% owner of the Diavik diamond mine, both located near Lac de Gras.

At the Ekati mine, Dominion treated 2.02 million tonnes of kimberlite and recovered 1,362 ct of stones from the Fox, Koala, Koala North, Misery satellites and coarse ore rejects processing in the six month period. That compares with treating 1.31 million tonnes and recovering 565 ct during the same period in 2013.

In the six months ending July 31 at Diavik, the company treated 484,000 tonnes and recovered 1,605 ct of diamonds from the A-154 South and North kimberlites, the A-418 kimberlite, and the coarse ore rejects retreatment. A year earlier, 417,000 tonnes of material were treated and 1,317 ct recovered.

Dominion said it sold 2,353 ct of rough diamonds from both mines in the six months ending July 31, 2014, and had sales revenue of $452.8 million. The company noted that overall diamond prices have increased about 8% since the beginning of the calendar year.

Dominion Diamond began its 2015 fiscal year on May 1, 2014. Learn more at


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