VANCOUVER -- The UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA is establishing a Kimberlite Research Unit within its Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU). The new unit will promote better understanding of kimberlites through research projects, specialized training and continuing education. Eira Thomas, of STORNOWAY DIAMONDS, and D. Grenville Thomas, of ABER DIAMONDS, have pledged $1 million for the undertaking. A further $3 million is being raised.
The MDRU has other kimberlite projects supported by ASHTON MINING OF CANADA and DIAVIK DIAMOND MINES. These projects will form the basis of a centre of kimberlite excellence in British Columbia.
The newly appointed kimberlite research co-ordinator is Dr. Barbara Scott Smith, an adjunct professor at UBC. Dr. John Gurney, an emeritus professor at the University of Cape Town, will join the kimberlite unit team later this year as a visiting professor.
More information about the MDRU and its programs/projects is available at