DIAMOND EXPLORATION: Stornoway recommits to grassroots activity

VANCOUVER - Now that development work on Quebec's first diamond mine, Renard (50% with Soquem) is underway, St...

VANCOUVER - Now that development work on Quebec's first diamond mine, Renard (50% with Soquem) is underway, Stornoway Diamond Corp. is returning to its strength - grassroots exploration.

Matt Manson, president and CEO, commented, "Grassroots exploration has long since been a core strength of Stornoway. Our technical team has been involved in the discovery of some 250 kimberlites across Canada, and we believe Canada retains the potential for further world class diamond discoveries. We are extremely pleased to once again be allocating resources towards the discovery of new diamondiferous kimberlites in support of our balanced, long-term growth strategy."

These are some of the key projects to be examined:
? Hamer in the Coronation Gulf-North Slave diamond district of Nunavut (75% with North Arrow Minerals)
? Aviat and Qilalugaq on the Melville Peninsula in Nunavut (90% and 100%, respectively)
? Churchill and Chesterfield at Chesterfield Inlet in Nunavut (joint venture with Shear Minerals)
? Timiskaming project in northeast Ontario and northwest Quebec (100%)
? The new Consorem joint venture to test airborne geophysical anomalies in Quebec.

Additional information about these projects is available at www.StornowayDiamonds.com or the websites of its partners.


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