NORTHERN SASKATCHEWAN - The results are in from the Early Joli Fou kimberlite breccia sample collected by SHORE GOLD of Saskatoon at its Star kimberlite project near Fort a la Corne. A 1,992.6-ct parcel was valued at US$173/ct, according to reports from three separate examiners. Exceptionally large diamonds (one of nearly 20 ct, another over 10 ct, and several in the 4- to 9-ct range) have been found at the Star project.
Underground bulk sampling and prefeasibility study core drilling have identified five principal kimberlite phases within the Star kimberlite: Cantuar, Pense, Early Joli Fou, Mid Joli Fou and Late Joli Fou. Exploration to date indicates that the Early Joli Fou (EJF) kimberlite is the dominant phase, accounting for between 60% and 80% of the Star property.
Shore Gold plans to have a prefeasibility study ready by the end of 2007. More information is posted at