QUEBEC Vancouver-based ASHTON MINING OF CANADA and its 50:50 partner SOQUEM of Sainte-Foy, Quebec, report that the latest trench samples from the Lynx dike contain a diamond content estimated at 98 carats/hundred tonnes (cpht), based on 2.98 tonnes of kimberlitic material collected from Trench 230-02. The dike is part of the Foxtrot property in the north-central portion of the province.
Ashton noted that the results from the Lynx South area were of particular interest. Samples from trenches there have returned an average of 134 cpht. The partners have taken a total of 24.8 tonnes of material from trenches cut through the Lynx dike and recovered 40.4 carats of diamonds larger than 1.18 mm.
Technical reports concerning the Foxtrot project are posted at