DIAMOND EXPLORATION – Large stones abound in Renard 2 samples

QUEBEC - STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP., SOQUEM's joint venture partner and operator of the Foxtrot property in north-cent...
QUEBEC - STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP., SOQUEM's joint venture partner and operator of the Foxtrot property in north-central Quebec, reports finding a 15.46-ct diamond in samples taken from the Renard 2 kimberlite. This stone was recovered from one of 15 samples, each of which contained diamonds weighing 2.00 ct or more.

Previously the largest stone recovered weighed 2.27 ct, reported in February 2005.

Stornoway CEO Eira Thomas stated, "The unusually strong distribution of large diamond sizes in Renard 2 promises to be an important driver of overall rock value. We remain very optimistic about the potential of the Renard project to become Quebec's first diamond mine."

If crystalline beauty will help make another diamond mine a reality, the photos posted at http://stornowaydiamonds.com/news/2007/july/ show stones of exceptional promise.


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