QUEBEC - Drilling by Vancouver-based ASHTON MINING has uncovered four new kimberlitic dikes on its Foxtrot property in north-central Quebec. The property is a 50/50 joint venture of Ashton and SOQUEM. Of particular interest is the Hibou dike, where the strike length has been increased to 850 metres. One of the other newly-discovered dikes is coincident with the North Anomaly that has a strike length of at least 225 metres.
The Hibou dike lies about 1,300 metres west of the Renard cluster and 900 metres east of the Lynx dike system (both of which are discussed in detail at Caustic dissolution analysis of surface samples collected near the projected surface expression of the Hibou dike was encouraging. A total of 482 stones, including 15 larger than 0.6 mm, were recovered from the 150-kg sample.