SASKATCHEWAN There must be some happy people at Vancouver-based FOREST GATE RESOURCES. As VP of exploration Steve Roebuck says, "In baseball terms we're batting a thousand, it can't get better than thatnine holes drilled with nine kimberlite intercepts, including three intercepts over 110 metres."
Forest Gate drilled a total of nine HQ-sized holes on its Dizzy kimberlite pipe as part of its ongoing 2005 East Side property exploration program in Fort la Corne. All nine holes were drilled vertically and on 50-metre spacing. Samples from two holes have been sent to SGS Lakefield for micro-diamond analysis.
The drill-defined surface expression of the Dizzy pipe, based on intersections from the 2003 and 2005 drill programs, now stands at approximately 3.0 hectares, stretching beyond 150 metres east to west and 200 metres north to south.
For more information on the 2005 drill program please visit the geology section at to view FAQs answered by Roebuck.