LONDON, U.K. - The INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MINING AND METALS (ICMM), in partnership with the World Bank and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme, has published a toolkit of 17 practical "how to" tools that cover mineral development from exploration through to closure. The Community Development Toolkit is designed to foster closer relations between mining companies, communities and governments in order to support sustainable community development activities that last beyond the life of a mining operation.
The toolkit, which can be applied at mining operations anywhere in the world, has its roots in southern Africa. The project concept was originally conceived at a joint workshop held in November 2000 for members of the Southern African Development Community. The initial phase of work involved a series of papers by consultants with substantive southern African experience.
There are a number of examples of current initiatives in the toolkit. The Palabora Mining Company, a member of the Rio Tinto Group, has worked in partnership with local people to develop the Titirheleni Community Gardens in the province of Limpopo, South Africa. The gardens provide incomes and produce to feed families, and training in financial, management and technical skills has enabled the project to become self-supporting.
The toolkit is available at