TORONTO - De Beers Canada has released its "2009 Report to Society", the second such yearly report. It presents a summary of the company's contribution to sustainable development last year, including economic, ethical, employee, community and environmental performance.
Here are some of the highlights:
A total of 1.14 million ct produced by the Snap Lake and Victor mines.
De Beers Canada spent $297 million on goods and services.
At Snap Lake, $155 million was spent on operations contracts; $116 million (74%) of this supplied by northern businesses, and $59 million (51%) of this total provided by Aboriginal suppliers.
At the Victor mine, $121 million was spent on goods and services and $39 million (32%) was supplied by Aboriginal businesses.
$3.8 million in cash, in-kind and staff time was spent on corporate social investment, primarily in communities near our operations. The focus of these funds was education, youth literacy and capacity building.
All exploration programs and mining operations are registered to the ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Standard. Exploration programs are also compliant with the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety standard.
A joint impact benefit agreement (IBA) was signed with Fort Albany First Nation and Kashechewan First Nation. De Beers Canada has seven IBAs and one working relationship agreement in place for the Snap Lake and Victor mines.
Direct total payments for all eight IBA communities totalled $4.75 million in 2009 primarily on compensation, environmental monitoring and scholarships.
The Victor mine was awarded "2009 Mine of the Year" by the international trade publication Mining Magazine.
De Beers Canada was awarded the PDAC Environmental and Social Responsibility Award for demonstrated outstanding initiative, leadership and/or accomplishment in protecting and preserving the natural environment during an exploration program or operation of a mine.
The report is referenced against the Global Reporting Initiative G3 guidelines and indicators and De Beers' commitment as a signatory of the UN Global Compact and supporter of the Millennium Development Goals. It also introduces a systematic sustainability management framework including the company's principles, policies, guidance materials and assurance programs in place at its own operations and into the downstream value chain.
Please read the entire "2009 Report to Society" at