NUNAVUT - There is gallium in Izok drill cores, and that has Thunder Bay, Ontario-based WOLFDEN RESOURCES excited. With a price hovering around US$500/kg, the rare metal gallium is increasingly used in electronics, biomedicine, cell phones and satellites.
Five core samples from the Izok property in Nunavut, 80 km west of the former Lupin gold mine, assayed 95, 105, 77, 93 and 95 g/t Ga as well as significant base metals. At a cutoff grade of 2.00% ZnEq, the Izok deposit contains an indicated resource of 14.40 million tonnes grading 2.52% Cu, 1.28% Pb, 12.94% Zn and 71.0 g/t Ag plus an inferred resource of 0.37 million tonnes grading 3.79% Cu, 0.27% Pb, 6.40% Zn and 54.2g/t Ag.
Wolfden notes that it has not done any work to assess the average gallium grade or investigate a suitable recovery method. However, such work will be included in future metallurgical tests of Izok concentrates. (