COPPER-MOLY EXPLORATION – Ryan Lake shows open pit potential

ONTARIO - PACIFIC COMOX RESOURCES of Toronto has been drilling its Ryan Lake property near Matachewan to test the p...
ONTARIO - PACIFIC COMOX RESOURCES of Toronto has been drilling its Ryan Lake property near Matachewan to test the possibility of developing an open pit mine at the site of a former underground producer.

Three holes returned grades of 0.28-0.38% Cu and 0.025% Mo from intersections of 75.3, 124.4 and 76.2 m. Three other holes returned 0.08% Mo and 0.026% Mo over 115.2 m; 0.11% Cu and 0.015% Mo over 141.7 m; and 0.52% Cu and 0.053% Mo over 87.8 m. A seventh hole returned no significant mineralization. Gold and silver assays were generally immaterial.

The former underground copper-molybdenum mine was developed via a 140.0-m shaft on four levels to a depth of 135.0 m, along a strike length of more than 305.0 m. It operated from 1950 to 1957 at a rate of 135 t/d.

Pacific Comox also owns the barite mill currently operating at the site of the former mine. Details of the project are available at


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