BRITISH COLUMBIA – Gold Reach Resources of Vancouver has updated the resource numbers for its Seel deposit at the Ootsa property about 125 km southwest of Houston. The Ootsa property is adjacent to the Huckleberry mine.
The company reports an 87% increase in global measured and indicated resources at the Seel deposit, and 92% of that amount fits within a constraining pit shell. The deposit contains 126.8 million measured and indicated tonnes at 0.37% CuEq plus 351.1 million inferred tonnes at 0.20% CuEq. Contained within the measured and indicated resources is the equivalent of 1.0 billion lb of copper, and within the inferred resources is the equivalent 2.4 billion lb of copper.
The Seel deposit has two zones, East and West. At the West zone there has been a 285% increase in the measured and indicated global resources, said Gold Reach, and the zone remains open. At the East zone 52% of the indicated global resources has been upgraded to measured.
Details are available in the news release of Feb. 18, 2014, available at