COPPER-GOLD EXPLORATION NEWS Survey Finds Olympic-Dam-Type Anomalies

GASPSIE, Quebec Two geophysical surveys on the Mont-de-l'Aigle property of RESSOURCES APPALACHES of Rimouski, Qu...
GASPSIE, Quebec Two geophysical surveys on the Mont-de-l'Aigle property of RESSOURCES APPALACHES of Rimouski, Que., have detected gravity anomalies with signatures similar to the copper-gold-iron oxide Olympic Dam deposit. (The Olympic Dam copper-uranium mine in Australia is owned by WMC RESOURCES. Olympic Dam's resources in all categories are more than 2 billion tonnes containing over 30 million tonnes of copper, 40 million oz of gold, and a million tonnes of U3O8.)

Appalaches conducted a regional gravity survey last December and found nine high-amplitude positive anomalies. Follow-up surveys done in March 2003 confirmed the original results and further defined the three largest anomalies that measure 1.5-, 1.2- and 0.5-km. The company is now planning a drilling program to further test the potential of the area.

The Mont-de-l'Aigle property is located in the centre of the Gasp Peninsula. Photos of the site and more details about it are found at


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