BRITISH COLUMBIA - Five holes that Vancouver-based BELL RESOURCES drilled at the former Granduc copper mine near Stewart have returned promising intersections of up to 3.92% Cu, including 6.86 metres of 2.57% Cu, 7.60 metres of 2.21% Cu and 8.14 metres of 2.13% Cu. The company says that the intersections show an overall pattern of increasing copper grade, thickness, and byproduct metal grades in the downdip and southwest directions, and remain open to extension in these directions.
This initial drill program at Granduc demonstrated that high grade chalcopyrite-magnetite-pyrrhotite mineralization is the cause of the geophysical anomalies identified earlier in the 2005 field season. The drill program also confirmed that the sulphide ore zones previously mined at Granduc extend at least 240 metres further southward along strike and at least 240 metres further down dip. Much of this additional strike length was previously inaccessible beneath the South Leduc Glacier, which recently retreated through rapid melting.
Bell's 2005 drill program was focused on less than 10% of the known 3.5-km strike length. The company is planning a larger field program to be announced in January 2006.
A map and cross-section showing the drill results may be found at