COPPER DEVELOPMENT: Corner Bay project reaches underground ore

QUEBEC Flooding at the Copper Bay copper mine, a 50:50 joint venture of Montreal's CAMPBELL RESOURCES and Toronto...
QUEBEC Flooding at the Copper Bay copper mine, a 50:50 joint venture of Montreal's CAMPBELL RESOURCES and Toronto's NUINSCO RESOURCES, has been mitigated and underground development reached the ore zone earlier this year.

The outlook is encouraging says Andr Fortier, Campbell's president and CEO: "At the end of June we reached the 105-metre level and have now begun to extract ore at what should be a highly productive mining ground. Output will continue to increase at Corner Bay in the months ahead, and we anticipate that this project will reach the break-even point within the next few months."

Ore from the Corner Bay project is treated at Campbell's nearby Copper Rand mill. (Visit


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