Mine Water Solutions 2018 organizing committee and the
University of British Columbia are hosting the 3rd Annual Mine Water Solutions Conference (MWS2018) in Vancouver Canada from June 12 to 15, 2018.
Mine Water Solutions 2018 is an innovative conference that will examine a wide range of water issues stretching through societal, financial, business and technical. It includes topics like water as an asset, operational water management, and managing water in different climatic settings.
The conference and trade show will provide a forum for presentation and discussion about successful practices that enable responsible mining to be undertaken in challenging environments. All aspects of mine water management, including hydrology, hydrogeology, diversion, containment, conservation, minimization of water quality impacts, seepage interception, and treatment may be addressed.
The conference will be an opportunity for practitioners in the mine water field to discuss research, design, equipment, engineering, operation, and closure activities with the global mine water community. Papers from practitioners will be part of the conference proceedings.
Find all the details and registration form at