Commentary: Canadian and Australian federal governments lay out plans for mining

In August 2017, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for mining called for a Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan (CMMP) to […]
In August 2017, Canada’s federal, provincial and territorial ministers responsible for mining called for a Canadian Minerals and Metals Plan (CMMP) to support industry competitiveness, solidify Canada’s position as a global mining leader, and to lay the foundation for lasting success at home and abroad. The CMMP was unveiled at the annual convention of the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada in early March 2019. Canada was beaten to the punch by Australia, which introduced its National Resources Statement in mid-February of this year. Other that the fact that the Australian document includes oil and gas as well as mining, the two reports could have been written by the same committee. At just over 50 pages, they are similar in length with Canada offering extensive text and infographics, and Australia strong on colourful pictures of the mining industry. Continue reading at The Northern Miner.


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