COAL: Battelle scientists convert coal to jet fuel

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Scientists and engineers at Battelle have developed a process that turns coal into jet fuel. This new process uses […]



COLUMBUS, Ohio – Scientists and engineers at Battelle have developed a process that turns coal into jet fuel. This new process uses biomass derived coal solvents to convert coal directly to liquid. The conversion of coal to synthetic crude is carried out at a relative low pressure without the use of gaseous hydrogen or a catalyst. Further upgrading is done using conventional petroleum upgrading technology. Battelle explained: “The bio-solvent production and coal liquefaction have been scaled-up successfully to one ton per day. [Our] team has successfully tested numerous, novel bio-solvents with bituminous coal from West Virginia and Ohio, as well as a sub-bituminous coal. Additionally, several catalysts have been evaluated for upgrading the syncrude [sic] to jet fuel and diesel. The detailed results on cost savings and GHG emissions reduction will be available towards the end of 2016.” The cost of the development program was shared by the US Department of Energy, national Energy Technology Laboratory and the Ohio Coal Development Office of the Ohio Development Services Agency.


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