Eastern Platinum (Eastplats) of Vancouver is proceeding with a tailings re-treatment project at the Zandfontein UG2 gold-platinum group metals mine owned by its subsidiary
Barplats Mines.

The decision to move ahead was made after Eastplats and Barplats signed an offtake agreement for chrome concentrate with
Union Goal Offshore Solution.
Union Goal will finance and supply the chrome processing circuit, related technology and expertise for the project. The new circuit is designed to yield higher chrome recoveries than traditional methods.
Barplats is committing US$14 million to the project for mining, construction and operation of the retreatment plant. Production is to begin later this year.
The Zandfontein UG2 mine is part of Barplats’ Crocodile River project located on the western limb of the Bushveld Complex. Learn More at