CANADIAN MINING PERSPECTIVES – New publication promises “whole story” on mining projects

Anyone wanting the "whole story" on mining development in British Columbia and Alaska should bookmark the new site ...
Anyone wanting the "whole story" on mining development in British Columbia and Alaska should bookmark the new site of NORTHWEST MINING INVESTOR REPORT (NWMIR) at Concerned that news releases from mining companies often omit or gloss over negative aspects of their projects, the publisher promises to provide information not readily available through other sources.

So far, NWMIR is focusing on these activities:

-Galore Creek gold mine (NOVA GOLD and TECK COMINCO)
-Klappan coal project (FORTUNE MINERALS)
-New Polaris gold project (CANARC)
-Red Chris copper-gold project (BCMETALS)
-Ruby Creek molybdenum mine development (ADANAC)
-Tulsequah Chief and Big Bull copper projects (REDCORP)

I just cant help myself: the editor in me noted two errors immediately. The Red Chris project belongs to Imperial Metals (see below), which took over bcMetals six months ago. And "Nova Gold" is a misspelling of NovaGold (one word with the extra capital letter). Such details could have been corrected after a quick trip to the websites of the companies involved.

NWMIR has not yet completed reports on all these projects, but it has published one on the Tulsequah Chief development. Redcorp's latest plan to use hover barges on the Taku River, rather than build roads, to access the mine site is coming under fire by Canadian and U.S. agencies for its lack of detail. The NWMIR report says it expects the questions to delay development. Interested readers can download the report or follow the selected links to other information.

Of course the publisher has a list of legal disclaimers that apply to using the NWMIR site. The disclaimers cover accuracy, copyright, links to other sites, liability and a securities disclaimer. He seems to have covered most of it. And his bottom line is, "If you are dissatisfied with this website, your only remedy is to stop your use of this website."

The contact at NWMIR is Chris Zimmer, who can be reached at 604-696-5098 or by using the contact form on the website.

Providing some balance to the positive-only slant from mining companies might be a good idea. But if this site turns into a negative rant, it will need some serious consideration from the companies involved.


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