CANADIAN MINING PERSPECTIVES: British Columbians support mining in the province

EXETER RESOURCE CORP. of Vancouver has released results from the latest IPSOS-REID poll of attitudes towards the mi...
EXETER RESOURCE CORP. of Vancouver has released results from the latest IPSOS-REID poll of attitudes towards the mining industry in British Columbia.

According to the poll, 85% of B.C. residents believe that mining in British Columbia makes a positive contribution to the provincial economy. Thirty-six percent of the respondents believe that mining makes a "very significant" contribution to the provincial economy. A further 49% believe the economic contribution is "moderate". Those living outside the Lower Mainland were more likely to believe that mining made a "very significant" contribution (39%), compared to those living in the Lower Mainland (33%).

However, only 41% are aware that B.C.-based mining and exploration companies are significant investors in Central and South America.

It's not surprising that urban dwellers underestimate the economic strength of the mining industry, but would the responses have the same trend across Canada? How would the opinion of residents above the Arctic Circle compare to those living farther south? Would employees at producing mines be more aware of Canadian operations in Latin America?

I would like to see the same poll repeated in all Canadian provinces and territories. National attitudes could be traced and comparisons made by region.


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