BLASTING: Seequent partners with OreControl

NEW ZEALAND –  Seequent has announced a partnership with OreControl Blasting Consultants (OBC), a Denver-based developer of the OrePro 3D software. OrePro 3D allows geologists to model the […]
[caption id="attachment_1003733527" align="aligncenter" width="550"]OrePro 3D optimized dig blocks Credit: Seequent OrePro 3D optimized dig blocks Credit: Seequent[/caption] NEW ZEALAND -  Seequent has announced a partnership with OreControl Blasting Consultants (OBC), a Denver-based developer of the OrePro 3D software. OrePro 3D allows geologists to model the movement of material during blasting to delineate ore and waste more accurately for downstream handling. The software’s use of 3D modelling and visualization revolutionizes how geologists determine ore boundaries and select dig directions. The software easily embeds in a mine's ore control process with seamless data integration with up-stream and down-stream systems and intuitive workflows. The software also contains a tool showing the financial impact of different mining scenarios and has been adopted by a number of large mining companies to improve the efficiency of their operations and reduce environmental impacts. OrePro 3D does not require direct measurement at the muck piles. “We’re excited to announce OBC as our latest partner. Partnerships are an important way in which we sponsor new technologies and innovations into the mining and exploration industries to deliver significant value for our customers,”  Shaun Maloney, Seequent’s CEO said in a statement. Nick Fogarty, Seequent’s general manager of mining and minerals, added “Seequent has formed a product partnership with OreControl Blasting Consultants, whose OrePro 3D product fits perfectly with our solutions. This is another area where best-of-breed geoscience modelling techniques and 3D visualization create value for our customers.” Seequent is a leader in the development of geoscience analysis, modelling and collaborative technologies for understanding subsurface geoscience and engineering design solutions. OreControl Blasting is a mining consulting company and software developer. Its flagship software solution, OrePro 3D, is an industry-first post-blast ore block optimizer that revolutionizes the way geologists determine ore-waste boundaries and reduces ore loss and dilution. For more information visit, or


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