TORONTO – Lundin Mining Corp. reports excellent 2014 year end results. Guidance was exceeded for both zinc and nickel, while the overall targets for copper and lead were also met.
Notably, the new Eagle nickel-copper mine in Michigan ramped up to commercial production in November. Production of both metals exceeded guidance for the year because throughput, grades and recoveries were all above expectations. Output of contained metals was 4,300 tonnes of nickel and 3,905 tonnes of copper.
For the year, Lundin mines produced 89,000 tonnes of contained copper, 145,091 tonnes of contained zinc, 35,555 tonnes of contained lead, and 12,931 tonnes of contained nickel. (Results from the Tenke mine where Lundin holds a 24% interest are not yet available.)
Lundin announced its 2015 guidance numbers in December 2014, and they remain unchanged: 258,000 to 272,000 tonnes of copper, 146,000 to 155,000 tonnes of zinc, 31,000 to 35,000 tonnes of lead, and 30,800 to 34,500 tonnes of nickel.
Site-by-site production details are available in the news release of Jan. 21, 2015. Visit or click here.