BASE METAL EXPLORATION: Scott Lake produces ‘best-ever’ grades



QUEBEC -- Cogitore Resources has just announced that results from drilling at its Scott Lake site near Chibougamau has produced the best zinc grades the company has ever recovered from the area. Hole SC-34 cut through three mineralized stratigraphic horizons, including one new one.


Starting from a 408.6-m depth was a 17.9-m intercept that returned 23.3% Zn, 0.05% Cu, 0.32 g/t Au and 12.4 g/t Ag, including 6.75 m grading 34.9% Zn, 0.1% Cu, 0.07 g/t Au, and 13.6 g/t Ag.


Cogitore says the drill core intersected coarse-grained sphalerite with lesser pyrite and traces of volcanic clasts and late dyke displacing the sphalerite. As the drill plunged deeper, it intersected massive and semi-massive sulphide mineralization. A 32.7-m intersection beginning at 459.7 m depth returned 2.05% Cu, 6.57% Zn, 0.49 g/t Au, and 76.3 g/t Ag.


The first 19.3 metres of the intersect returned 1.07% Cu and 7.76 Zn, consisting more of zinc-rich massive sulphides. The latter 13.4 m appeared to be more of a zinc-rich basal section of semi-massive and stringer sulphides grading 3.7% Cu and 6.6% Zn.


At 680.8 metres, the drill cut through a third mineralized zone – massive sulphides made up of 5.9 m of massive pyrite and sphalerite.


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