BRITISH COLUMBIA STIKINE GOLD CORP. of Vancouver has completed a new review and interpretation of the Sullivan Deeps geology near Kimberly. It seems the hole the company has drilled over the past year (see Net News, July 28, 2004) was sited in the wrong place.
Paul Ransom, P.Geo and qualified person, looked at the data and concluded that the central part of the Sullivan Deeps target has not been tested by drilling completed to date, and that the strata and sulphides intersected in SD1 and SD2 correlate with the east edge and barren sulphide sheet to the east of the Sullivan mine, respectively. This interpretation would place the centre of a new system primarily north and west of the holes drilled by Stikine to date, and remains consistent with downhole geophysical information collected from both SD1 in late 2004 and from DDH6465 in 1996. That work demonstrates a large-scale conductor that remains open to the north.
Stikine has chosen a new target about 1,000 metres north of the SD1 site to drill a 2,500-m-deep hole, SD3. Until the results of that hole are in, view the Sullivan Deeps presentation at