AWARDS: Gahcho Kue dominates NWT/NU mine rescue competition

YELLOWKNIFE, NWT – The big winner at the recent Northwest Territories-Nunavut Mine Rescue Competition was the ream from the Gahcho Kue. The […]
The mine rescue team from the Gahcho Kue mine with their mine rescue trophies including overall surface champion. Credit: De Beers Canada.
[caption id="attachment_1003718741" align="aligncenter" width="618"] The mine rescue team from the Gahcho Kue mine with their mine rescue trophies including overall surface champion. Credit: De Beers Canada.[/caption] YELLOWKNIFE, NWT – The big winner at the recent Northwest Territories-Nunavut Mine Rescue Competition was the ream from the Gahcho Kue. The mine, which has been in commercial production for only three months, is owned and operated by De Beers Canada (51%) and Mountain Province Diamonds. Gaucho Kue walked off with five trophies, the most of any mine in the competition. The team won four categories –surface practical bench, firefighting, surface rope rescue, and bst surface written test – plus the overall surface mine award. Last year when the mine was still in the final stages of commissioning, the team won two  categories. With the title of best overall surface mine winners in the NWT and Nunavut, comes the opportunity to compete in the National Western Region Mine Rescue Competition in Fernie, B.C., on Sept. 8-9,2017. The Diavik diamond mine, owned by Rio Tinto plc and Dominion Diamond Corp. – won the best overall underground trophy. Other winners were: Best bench tech, Gordon Zdyb (Ekati diamond mine); Best surface first aid, Ekati diamond mine surface team; Best underground first aid, Meliadine gold mine; Best underground rope rescue, Diavik diamond mine; Best underground written test, Hope Bay gold mine; Best surface smoke, Meadowbank gold mine; Best underground smoke, Diavik diamond mine; Best underground bench/field test, Diavik diamond mine; Best surface obstacle, Victor diamond mine (Ontario);  and Best underground obstacle, Ekati diamond mine – underground team. The competition was arranged by the NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines. Visit the website at


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