TORONTO – On Jan. 31, the
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business will be celebrating the two 2017 Aboriginal Hall of Fame inductees. Dr. Hebert Belcourt will receive the lifetime achievement award and Isabell Ringenoldus the TAWS Security national youth aboriginal entrepreneur award.
Belcourt is a respected Metis entrepreneur and founder of several business including Belcourt Construction. The company he began in 1965 is now the third largest powerline company in Alberts. He was one of the trio that founded the Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards, a $13-million endowment with a mandate to support Metis students pursuing further education. To date $17 million is in the endowment, and over 15 years $6 million has been given to more than 1,000 students in every institution in Albert. Belcourt’s accolades include an honourary doctorate of laws (University of Alberts, 2001), the Order of Athabasca University (2006), investiture as a Member of the Order of Canada (2010), and an honorary diploma from NorQuest College (2014).
Ringenoldus owns and operates TAWS Security that provides physical security, mobile patrol security and many technological solutions and value added services to empower clients and staff. TAWS is based on the Fort McMurray #468 First Nation in Anzac, AB. Fort McMurray residents make up 100% of the company ownership and management team. Following the devastating Fort McMurray wildfire last spring, TAWS showcased its ability and resources to deploy both management and trained guards to the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo hours after the fire started. The COO of TAWS Security was promptly appointed to the position of director of private security service.
The Toronto gala is one of the CCAB’s biggest events with more than 500 attendees – both indigenous and non-indigenous – expected from across the country representing business, government and politics. This year marks the 13
th year of the hall of fame’s recognition of the outstand achievements of aboriginal business leaders from across Canada.
Please visit the CCAB website at